Office of the General Counsel

Administrative Orders

Order Number Order Description Subject Date Issued
22-015 Valerie Graham v. DC Committee to Build a Better Restaurant Industry; Ryan O’Leary, Chairman; Adam Eidinger, Treasurer Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Initiatives 6/1/2022
22-014 Valerie Graham v. DC Committee to Build a Better Restaurant Industry; Ryan O’Leary, Chairman; Adam Eidinger, Treasurer Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Initiatives 5/4/2022
19-030 In Re: Recall of Jack Evans Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Recalls 4/4/2019
19-031 In Re: Recall of Jack Evans Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Recalls 4/4/2019
06-004 Williams v. McMahan Challenge to Petition to Recall Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Recalls 8/14/2006
06-005 Williams v. McMahan Appeal to Full Board Challenge to Petition to Recall Challenges to Ballot Measure Petitions - Recalls 11/8/2006
06-003 Williams v. McMahan Challenge to Residency of Andrew McMahan Challenges to Candidate or Incumbent Qualifications 8/3/2006
09-001 Ralph J. Chittams, Complainant v Cameron Poles Challenges to Candidate or Incumbent Qualifications 2/10/2009
19-032 Phillip J. Hammond v. Nicole Smith-McDermott, Memorandum Opinion and Order Challenges to Candidate or Incumbent Qualifications 6/21/2019
19-033 Robin Marlin v. Villareal Johnson, Memorandum Opinion and Order Challenges to Candidate or Incumbent Qualifications 6/21/2019

Showing 31 to 40 of 456 records