
ANC - Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners

Ballot Access Information


  • Declaration of CandidacyForm needed to “declare” yourself as a candidate for a particular office. The candidate’s name will appear on the ballot as it appears on the Declaration of Candidacy pursuant to Title 3 DCMR § 1203. The Declaration must be signed by the candidate in the presence of a notary or BOE staff. It may not be signed by anyone else. All candidates for public and party offices must file a Declaration of Candidacy in order to be issued their petitions. (Alternatively, you may print and complete thePDF Versionof this form.)
  • Receipt of Ballot Access Documents: Upon receiving certain Ballot Access documents from BOE (i.e. Petition Pages, Official Calendar) a candidate will be given a receipt in which they will certify having received the documents checked on the form. A candidate will also be asked to certify, to the best of their knowledge, that all information on the Petition Pages is true and correct. If the candidate (or their designee) picks up in person, this receipt can be completed while they are in the BOE office. If they choose to pick up via email, this form needs to be completed and sent to the BOE for the candidate to receive their petitions along with the Declaration of Candidacy. Candidates can review the documents outlined on the Candidate Ballot Access Information page, in the section below titled, “Other Forms & Additional Information” to review what items they should check off on the form. Once both documents are received, the BOE will respond via email to acknowledge receipt and provide the petitions.
  • Receipt for Completed Ballot Access DocumentsUpon the Board receiving completed Ballot Access documents from the candidate (i.e. a nominating petition containing the legally required number of valid signatures) the BOE Official will provide the candidate with a receipt acknowledging that those documents were received by BOE.

ADVISORY NEIGHBORHOOD COMMISSIONER (§ 1-309.05.  Advisory Neighborhood Commissions -- Qualifications of members; nomination by petition.)
Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners advise the District government on matters of public policy including decisions regarding planning, streets, recreation, social services programs, health, safety, and sanitation in their respective neighborhood commission areas. Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners are elected to two year terms every election year.
(a)(1) No person shall be a member of an Advisory Neighborhood Commission unless the person: 
(A) Is a registered qualified elector actually residing in the single-member district from which the person was elected; 
(B) Has been residing in such district continuously for the 60 days immediately preceding the day on which the person files the nominating petitions as a candidate as such a member; 
(C) Holds no other elected public office; and 
(D) With the exception of a member representing the single-member district that includes the Central Detention Facility and Correctional Treatment Facility, has not been convicted of a felony committed while serving as a Commissioner. 
     (2) For the purpose of this subsection, the term “elected public office” means the offices of Mayor, Chairman or member of the Council, member of the State Board of Education, and the Delegate to the House of Representatives.

Minimum Signature Requirements: 25 signatures of duly registered voters who reside in the same Single Member District as the candidate.


ANC candidates for the General Election can pick up their nominating petitions beginning Monday, July 1, 2024 during regular business hours in one of the following ways:

D.C. Board of Elections
1015 Half Street, SE, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20003-4733

Appointments can be reserved for the first 2 weeks of candidate pick-up by emailing [email protected] or calling 202-727-2525.

To pick-up petitions – either through email or in-person – the Declaration of Candidacy and the Receipt of Ballot Access Documents both need to be completed and submitted.  

All nominating petitions must be filed in-person at the Board along with a Receipt for Completed Ballot Access Documents by Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.


Please review the additional information posted on the Candidate Ballot Access Information page. There is a video at the top of the page that outlines the ballot access process and then at the very bottom of the page, under the “Other Forms & Additional Information” section, are additional forms and information that we strongly encourage you to review, including a list of ballot access training sessions. 


Please be advised there is no registration requirement.  OCF will register the candidate based on the list provided by the Board of Elections.  However, OCF will contact the candidate via email with guidance and information on their responsibilities with the office.  


Please be advised to request a list of registered voters using the online data request form. (Alternatively, you may print and complete the PDF Version of this form.)

Updated ANC and SMD Boundaries 

The boundaries of the Advisory Neighborhood Commissions (ANCs) and Single-member Districts (SMDs) of the District of Columbia are updated every ten years, based on the results of the latest decennial census. The updated boundaries were approved by the DC Council on June 7, 2022 and approved by Mayor Muriel Bowser on June 16, 2022. Updated ANC-SMDs were used for the November 8, 2022 General Election and go into effect January 2023. Individual ANC/SMD maps will be provided to candidates who pick-up petitions. ANC-SMDs can also be located on this interactive web map.

Vacancy Information (You can find HERE the current list of Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners)

According to Title 3 DCMR 1303.1, "…if a vacancy occurs within six (6) months of a general election, nominating petitions shall not be made available and the seat shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term of office.”

DC Register Vacancy-Related Notices

  • Open vacancy section:

  • Filled vacancy section:

Please contact us at 202-727-2525 or [email protected] with any questions.  If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation or review any documents in an alternative format, please contact the Board’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator at (202) 727-5411.