Office of the General Counsel

Administrative Orders

Order Number Order Description Subject Date Issued
20-010 Detrick Campbell v. Jamaal Burton Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-011 Michael Eichler v. Mary J. Sutherland Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-012 Trupti J. Patel v. John George Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-013 Barbara J. Clark v. Ira Lovelace Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-014 Kathy Henderson v. Sebrena Rhodes Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-015 Kathy Henderson v. Bernice Blacknell Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-016 Jillian Wolons v. Brandon Frye Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-017 Lorraine Stanislaus v. Regina Pixley Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-018 Cheryl Moore v. Anthony Muhammad Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020
20-019 Cheryl Moore v. Bruce Jones Challenges to Nominating Petitions 9/8/2020

Showing 81 to 90 of 447 records